The MoU was signed in the presence of Ashwini Srivastava, Joint Secretary (Sugar), Department of Food and Public Distribution, Central Government; Manindra Agarwal, Director, IIT Kanpur; and Seema Paroha, Director, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.

Under this MoU, IIT Kanpur and NSI Kanpur will engage in joint projects to conduct cutting-edge research and develop and adopt cutting-edge technologies to increase biofuel production in the country with better efficiency and sustainability.

Biofuels are also expected to play an important role in reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating climate change.

The focus area of ​​this collaborative research work will be to study on enhancing the production of ethanol, methanol, bio-CNG, aviation fuel and green hydrogen etc. from biomass, a renewable source of energy.

Uttar Pradesh, being an agriculture based state and one of the top ranked states in sugarcane production, would be an ideal location for biofuel research.The partnership aims to leverage the expertise of both institutions to meet India's growing energy needs while promoting environmental protection.

Manindra Agarwal, Director, IIT Kanpur, said, “NSI Kanpur has been working in this field for more than 60 years, understands the market dynamics and technical requirements very well. Parallelly, IIT Kanpur has a large number of laboratories in chemicals and other Have an understanding of the relevant fundamental sciences and technologies." domain. It aims to combine the strengths of both the institutions to create a state-of-the-art center to help India take a leadership position in the field of biofuels.Ashwani Srivastava, Joint Secretary (Sugar), Central Government, said, “The National Bio-Fuel Policy, 2018, allows production of ethanol from various sugarcane based feedstock as well as use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol and petrol. Under the Ethanol Blending (EBP) Programme, the government has set a target of 20 per cent blending of ethanol with petrol by 2025. To increase the production of ethanol in the country, the government is promoting maize as the major feedstock. Ethanol production: It is also focusing on 'waste to wealth' approach by promoting the use of other sugarcane by-products.,

“This is a long-term MoU, and a dedicated building with a state-of-the-art laboratory including all necessary equipment, pilot plants and equipment will be set up,” said Seema Paroha, director of NSI Kanpur. The CoE at the institute campus will be initially funded by the ministry, and going forward, industrial tie-ups will also be targeted."

This MoU signals a move towards scaling up the production of advanced sustainable high quality biofuels by developing innovative technologies, optimizing existing processes and setting up pilot projects to demonstrate biofuel technology feasibility.

This will ultimately contribute to security of energy supply, protecting the climate by reducing CO2 emissions and reducing dependence on fossil fuel/crude oil imports.