The study published in the journal Nature Communications on Tuesday highlights the importance of addressing local inefficient combustion processes such as 'biomass' and 'fossil fuel burning' to effectively reduce PM-related health risks and their associated impacts in northern India. Also includes traffic evacuation to reduce. ,

Dr Deepika Bhattu, lead author of the article and Associate Professor, said, “Tackling India's air pollution crisis requires collaboration between local communities and stakeholders as well as social change, especially in densely populated urban areas like Delhi. Is."

The study was conducted at five Indo-Gangetic Plain sites outside Delhi, and revealed that although uniformly high P concentrations are present throughout the region, local emission sources and formation processes dominate PM chemical composition. There has been a lot of change. pollution.

According to the study, within Delhi, ammonium chloride, and organic aerosols directly generated from traffic exhaust, residential heating, and oxidation products of fossil fuel emissions produced in the atmosphere dominate PM pollution.However, outside Delhi, ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as secondary organic aerosols from vapors from biomass burning, were the major contributors.

Regardless of location, the study highlighted that organic aerosols from incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels, including traffic emissions, were major contributors to PM oxidative capacity, leading to PM-associated health effects in the region. Are.

Dr. Bhattu said this was mainly to “promote clean energy sources, improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions” and remove unauthorized “jugaad” vehicles from the fleet of old, overloaded and inefficient vehicles for transportation. Concerted sustained efforts are required.