ICMR has written to the editor of a New Zealand-based drug safety journal to retract the recently published Covaxin side effects study by BH authors as the apex research body has been "incorrectly and misleadingly acknowledged in the paper."

"ICMR is not associated with this study and has not provided any financial or technical support for the research," the apex research body wrote in the letter.

"Furthermore, you have accepted ICMR for research support without prior approval or notice of LCMR, which is inappropriate and unacceptable."

ICMR, Director General, Dr Rajiv Bahl said in the letter that the apex research body cannot be linked to this poorly designed study, which aims to present a "safety analysis" of Covaxin.

Dr. Bahl has asked the authors of the study and the editor of the journal to remove the acknowledgment given to ICMR and publish an errata.

Dr Bahl wrote, “We have also observed that you have acknowledged ICMR in the same manner in previous papers also without permission.”

He also sought clarification from the authors of the study as to "why ICMR should not take legal and administrative action against them".