Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Bharatiya Janata Party leader and veteran actor Arun Govil on Sunday said that he is getting a very good response from the people during the Lok Sabha election campaign. Recalling an incident, Govil, who is a BJP candidate. Meerut, said that an old woman held his head with both her hands to bless him. Speaking to ANI, Arun Govil said, "I am really liking it. I am getting great responses from the public. I am seeing the affection of the people."Many elderly women were blessing me. What could be bigger than this?" On meeting Union Minister Smriti Irani during the 'Workers and Women's Conference' in Meerut, the veteran actor praised Irani and said, "Her It was great to meet.'' ...She is a very good speaker. Even today, whatever she said was very good," Govil said. Earlier in the day, Arun Govil and Smriti Irani met at Hapur in Meerut. Participated in a program in Lok Sabha constituency. "Today participated in the 'Workers and Women's Conference' in Hapur, Meerut. Lok Sabha constituency. On this occasion, discussed the work done by Modi government in the last 10 years towards nation building through women's welfare. Present in the program were Nari Shakti and The workers reiterated their resolve to #PirEkBaarModiSarkar to continuously maintain the pace of all-round development of the country,'' Irani posted on Expressing gratitude he had said, "Today, in the presence of Shri Kesha ji, I have filed my nomination. The enthusiasm for public participation here is remarkable. The love and respect I have received here in Meerut is the love I have received till date." And it's more than respect.Arun Govil, who played the role of Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar's mythological drama Ramayana and has been given a BJP ticket from Meeru Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh for the general elections, on Tuesday said this election is 'a new innings' for him. Is the beginning of. He made his TV debut in 1987 with Ramanand Sagar's Vikram Betaal and eventually rose to fame with Ramayan. This show made him a household name. He also provided the voice for Rama in Ugo Sako's Indo-Japanese animation film Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama (1992). The veteran actor had earlier told ANI that his candidature from this seat feels like a 'homecoming' for him. After joining the BJP in 2021, Govil replaced three-time MP Rajendra Agarwal, who has held the Meerut seat since 2004.Govil had previously campaigned for the Congress, but it took decades for him to enter active politics. Govil will face Samajwadi Party's Atu Pradhan, who is currently the MLA from Sardhana constituency in Meerut district. Voting will be held in seven phases for 80 seats in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which sends the maximum number of MPs to Parliament.Counting of votes will be done on June 4.