Taipei [Taiwan], After China issued new laws that threatened Taiwan's autonomy, authorities have once again attempted to threaten Taiwan's existence.

According to the latest judicial guidelines imposed by China, secession crimes committed by Taiwanese separatists are punishable under Chinese law.

The guidelines authorize the use of absentee trials and even the death penalty for anyone who asserts Taiwan's independence, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported.

The move came as China could be seen aggressively pushing its expansionist policies in Taiwan, even though it has no jurisdiction over Taiwan, and the people of China since its founding in 1949 have never governed Taiwan.

Commenting on the disputed Chinese guidelines, the HRW report said: "The guidelines regarding Taiwanese separatists are stark reminders that the Chinese government routinely threatens Taiwan and its 23 million people and has expanded its aggressive efforts to stifle their freedoms. "basic".

Previously, China's 2005 Anti-Secession Law made vague threats to use other measures against Taiwanese secessionist forces without specifying what constituted secessionists.

However, current laws classify all activities related to Taiwan independence as criminal acts, which includes everything related to Taiwan independence, including the establishment of an independent Taiwan, the creation of a separatist organization, the promotion of Taiwan's entry into international organizations and the diversion of Taiwan's Chinese narrative in fields such as education, culture, history or the media, the HRW report stated.

"Other overbroad crimes include conduct that seeks to separate Taiwan from China and active participation in Taiwanese separatist organizations," according to the HRW report.

Furthermore, these guidelines also threaten the Taiwanese people with a trial in absentia, referring to the conduct of a criminal trial without the presence of the accused in court, without limitation of the punishment that will be given to the accused and without difference between Taiwanese citizens and foreigners. . .

The Chinese government carries out the largest number of executions in the world, although the exact number remains a state secret. However, HRW has always opposed the death penalty in all circumstances due to its inherent cruelty.

As a result, Taiwan has raised its alert levels for Taiwanese citizens traveling to China, citing recent cases of arbitrary arrests, detentions and interrogations orchestrated by China. The HRW report also states that these new guidelines are likely to have an additional chilling effect on the approximately 150,000 Taiwanese citizens living in China, for whom self-censorship is routine.

In conclusion, HRW mentioned that "the new judicial guidelines are the latest effort by the Chinese government to control people's right to freedom of expression beyond its borders. Everyone has fundamental rights and freedoms, including those who believe or defend the independence of Taiwan".