Islamabad [Pakistan], Pakistan Human Rights Commission (PCHR) chief exposed the governments in Muzaffarabad and Islamabad for their intention to suppress peaceful protests using brutal force in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir in May this year.

Three people were killed and 100 others injured during clashes between residents of PoJK and Pakistani security forces in Muzaffarabad.

Protests, sit-ins, lockdowns, demonstrations and strikes that lasted for six days began on May 8 against the Pakistani government and the PoJK government, demanding subsidized electricity and flour.

In an interview with CIVICUS, a global alliance of civil society organizations and activists, HRCP President Asad Iqbal Butt said: "Shortly after the first verified reports of violence, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan launched a fact-finding mission We found that The PoJK government had requested paramilitary and civilian forces from the Pakistani government before the protests, indicating its intention to use force against the protesters. The deployment of additional forces began on May 3, almost a week before. of the planned protests and long march.

The involvement of the Pakistan Rangers, a federal paramilitary force, marked a significant escalation. Their entry into Muzaffarabad and alleged unauthorized use of force contributed to the violence.

"The entry of the Rangers, their lack of coordination with local authorities and the perception that they were deployed to violently suppress protests fueled the violence. Clashes in Muzaffarabad resulted in three protesters killed and many others injured. The situation escalated when "The Rangers resorted to shelling and firing tear gas," Butt said.

Key incidents during the protests included a police raid on May 10 at the residence of Shaukat Nawaz Mir, an elected merchant leader, which resulted in arrests and clashes. On May 8, a deputy commissioner reportedly assaulted an elderly person in Dodyal, Mirpur. A crackdown on JAAC leaders in Kotli, Mirpur and Muzaffarabad further inflamed public anger, leading to retaliatory attacks on government officials and properties.

He added: "The government must hold those responsible for the excessive use of force against protesters accountable through an independent investigation to prevent future abuses. The use of paramilitary forces against PoJK citizens is also deeply worrying and should not be repeated."

The HRCP chief emphasized that the local administration in PoJK must respect human rights, including the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly, expression and the right to life.

He also called for sustainable economic relief measures, such as subsidies and price controls, to address immediate public needs.

Asad Butt recommended that PoJK's natural resources be managed by local authorities, and that Pakistan's profits from the use of PoJK's water and electricity be shared equitably.

He urged the international community to monitor possible human rights abuses in PoJK and put pressure on the Pakistani government to prevent their recurrence.