"#BlueTickVerified" revolves around a young girl who is searching for validation and her existence on social media through the coveted Blue Tick verification.

Parul said: “Being social media savvy and running a popular social media-driven brand has given me unique insights that were invaluable in preparing for '#BlueTickVerified'. The show dives deep into the psyche of a young girl who is struggling with her Merit equals social media validation, a reality many people are facing today."

Having direct experience working in the world of social media, both as an influencer and a businesswoman, she said she was able to bring a lot of authenticity to the character.

“In real life, I have gained popularity on social media, which helped me build my own business in the beauty and care industry. This journey taught me about the ups and downs of gaining recognition online and the importance of finding balance Taught a lot," she said.

“Bringing these experiences to my role in '#BlueTickVerified' was a fascinating process. It allowed me to craft my real-life experiences into a reel-life narrative that I believe many people will agree with."

"I'm excited for audiences to see this story and hope it sparks important conversations about the impact of social media on our lives."