World Environment Day is observed every year on 5 June to raise awareness about climate change and its effects on both flora and fauna as well as human health. This year's theme is "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience".

The risk of death due to cardiovascular diseases increases with every 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature. Studies show that about 489,000 heat-related deaths occurred annually between 2000 and 2019, with 45 percent of those deaths occurring in Asia.

According to the health ministry's latest data on heat-related illnesses and deaths in India, 605 deaths occurred due to various heart diseases in May this year.There were at least 80 deaths due to heat stroke in May, including both confirmed and suspected cases. Additionally, 56 deaths were confirmed due to heat stroke between March and May, 46 of which occurred in May alone.

“The human body is adept at regulating its internal temperature through mechanisms such as sweating and increased blood flow to the skin. However, during extreme heat, this thermoregulatory system can break down. As the body struggles to cool itself, the heart has to work harder to pump blood, causing stress and increasing blood pressure,” says Dr RR Dutta, HOPD, Internal Medicine, Paras. Health, Gurugram."This stress can lead to a number of adverse events, ranging from dizziness and nausea to serious complications such as heart attack, stroke and even sudden death," he said.

The expert said the burden of heat-related cardiovascular risks falls heavily on vulnerable communities. Elderly people, people with pre-existing heart disease, and people with low incomes are at higher risk.

Limited access to air conditioning, inadequate hydration and social isolation due to economic constraints may increase the risks of heat waves for these groups, leading to higher incidence of heat-related illnesses and deaths.

Dr Dutta stressed the need to build more sustainable and heat resistant infrastructure, which is also essential for long-term security.A recent study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology-Bhubaneswar showed that urbanization alone is responsible for 60 percent of the warming trend in Indian cities.

The findings, published in the journal Nature, show that despite covering only about 1 percent of the land, cities house more than half of the world's inhabitants.

"Heat waves are mostly caused by climate change and disruptions in weather patterns," Hisham Mundol, chief adviser at India's Environmental Defense Fund, told IANS.

Additionally, the urban heat island effect, increasing concretions and concentrations, increases temperatures, further increasing the risk.

Hisham said mitigation is possible and urgently needed.This requires both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing forest cover.

Dr Dutta stressed the need for proper hydration, staying indoors during extreme heat and wearing loose, breathable clothing.