United Nations, As India shares its journey of empowering people through digital public infrastructure, it hopes to inspire other countries, learn from everyone and define their own digital priorities, Union Minister of Electronics and I am Ashwini Vaishnav said.

Addressing the inaugural conference on 'Citizen Stack' here, he shared India's journey in harnessing the power of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) to promote inclusive growth and prosperity for all.

Vaishnav, who is also the Minister of Railways and Communications, said India has made it a policy objective to ensure that the benefits of the digital revolution reach every corner of the country's diverse society. This vision has given rise to the development of India Stack , which is a bouquet of digital tools accessible to all. The creation of this public infrastructure was a true tea effort.He said the government, private sector, non-profit organizations and volunteers all played important roles.

Vaishnav made these comments in his video address at the first conference on 'Citizen Stack: Digital Public Infrastructure, Transformative Technology for Citizens' organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. ,

He said the G20 Summit held under India's chairmanship of the group in New Delhi last year had recognized the transformative power of DPIs. "Subsequently, India took the initiative to set up a global repository for DPIs, including Currently there are more than 55 DPIs from 16 countries."

“As India shares its journey, we hope to inspire other countries and learn from everyone and define their own digital priorities.We believe we all have a collective responsibility to create a more inclusive and prosperous planet. Our goal is and should be inclusive growth. India believes in the ethos of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future'. True to our ethos, we offer our Cities Stack to the world, let us work together to build a future of shared success and unwavering inclusivity.”

Delivering the keynote address, India's G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant said the post-Covid world sees countries facing debt crises, climate action challenges, climate finance and food, fuel and fertilizer challenges.“We are seeing struggles in Europe as well as in the Middle East. But amidst all these challenges, there is a silver lining and that silver lining has really demonstrated that it is possible for the world to move forward and with digital technology Develop with equality by harnessing the power of

Kant underlined that DPI is important because it enables vulnerable groups, remote populations, women and small and medium enterprises to access services and advance technologically.

Kant said, "No matter how hard the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations tries, it will not be possible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Without DPI it will not be possible to achieve our goals by 2030."As India shares its Citizen Stack story, Kant underlined that the country is not asking that other countries "replicate" its digital infrastructure story.

“We are saying do not copy India Stack. We are only saying that this is an India experience, which can enable you to transform the lives of your citizens and hence, based on its principles, Citizen Use the stack. Don't copy it." What India has done...If you want to change the lives of citizens as India has done, then use the model based on the ethos of your country so that you can change the lives of your citizens.,

Kant said that in the years to come, DPI is the only way to ensure inclusive governance and universal access to finance, education and essential services like health care. “DPI is the only way to strike a balance between innovation and regulation. And hence, Relying on big tech or specific regulation alone will not be enough to achieve these goals. Citizen Stack will empower nations to create their own citizen benefits while adhering to security, transparency, auditability and interoperability. Your unique needs.“This approach, in our view, is critical to solving global challenges and creating a more equitable and inclusive society. It will allow nations to fast-track their economic growth. It will enable you to have good governance, it It will enable you to remove all leakages, it will enable you to provide cutting-edge technology, provide health and financial inclusion and human development and create jobs and services and empower your citizens.

He said, “Without DPI and without the Citizen Stack, there cannot be effective and prompt implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.Kant said that under India's G20 chairmanship, the group accepted the definition and concept of DPI.

"Every country from Russia to China to the United States, all emerging markets accepted this concept and principle. They all accepted the framework of DPI. They all said that for the global South, DPI is not just technological upgrading. It is a leap towards inclusive and sustainable development based on the needs and circumstances of the country and is the only way to transform the lives of its citizens."

Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, described India Stack as a "leading force" in building digital public infrastructure that has turned a billion dreams into reality.Within six years, he said, India has achieved an 80% financial inclusion rate, a feat that would have taken a decade without such digital infrastructure. He said in the International Monetary Fund's working paper 'Stacking up the Benefits: Lessons from India Citing 'Digital Journey', India's journey offers powerful lessons for other countries driving digital transformations, which emphasizes a design approach centered on shared building blocks to foster innovation in the ecosystem.

In a presentation on 'Citizen Stack = Digital Public Infrastructure', Shara Sharma, co-founder of think tank iSPIRT (Indian Software Products Industry Round Table) highlighted five DPI threads for a thriving ecosystem – citizen agency and privacy; Interoperability; techno-legal regulation; To circumvent corporatization and private monopoly and to protect against weaponization.

“These are the threads that are important. We want to lead by example.We want this fidelity to sources to be an important conversation as we move forward. We want to ensure that the citizen centricity remains, we believe there is a place to invest in the (citizen stack) brand so that anyone's DPI anywhere in the world can be included in the citizen stack ,” Sharma said. He stressed the importance of building a community with early adopters. “There are many early adopters, and they all need to come together to take responsibility for maintaining the integrity of this revolution that is happening before us. So please adopt as we move forward.Embrace it with a sense of faith. Adopt it to accelerate your SDGs, adopt it to reignite development in your countries,” he said.