New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's two-day visit to Moscow and his summit with President Vladimir Putin was "historic and game-changing" given the turbulent geopolitical environment, Russia's charge d'affaires Roman Babushkin said on Wednesday.

The entire world was watching Prime Minister Modi's visit to Moscow and it was clear how important the visit was, he said a day after the summit between Modi and Putin.

The Russian diplomat said the focus of the talks between the two leaders was on enhancing India-Russia trade and economic ties.

Highlighting the key outcomes of the summit, Babushkin said India and Russia have decided to move forward with a bilateral payment system using national currencies.

On India's demand to Russia to ensure the return of Indians serving in the Russian army, he said, "We agree with India on this issue."

When asked when the Indians would return home, he said, "We hope this will be resolved soon."