Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Union Minister and BJP leader Anurag Thaku on Sunday described Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's '10 guarantees' for the Lok Sabha elections as "fake like his earlier actions". Anurag Thakur told ANI, "His guarantees are as fake as his earlier works. He is preparing to lose the elections. So no matter how many fake announcements he makes, people do not trust him." Arvind Kejriwal's '10 guarantees' include free electricity.Free and quality education for the poor, for all Pointing out that Kejriwal did not consult leaders of other parties in India, Anurag Thakur accused the alliance of having no cohesion and policy. Thakur said, "They have not even taken their coalition partners into confidence. We had already said that this coalition has no leader, no policy and its intentions are also flawed." He said, "These are the people who used to speak against corruption and are now doing corruption themselves." Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced his guarantee at a press conference held in Delhi on Sunday.It was delayed due to my arrest for the Lok Sabha elections but there are still several phases of elections left, I have not discussed it with the rest of the Indian alliance but it is like a guarantee that no one will have any problem with it I take this guarantee that after the Bharat alliance comes to power, I will ensure that Kejriwal's guarantee is a brand.'' He further said, ''These 10 guarantees are like the vision of India.'' Some things that These things should have been completed in the last 75 years... These things are like laying the foundation stone of any nation, without them the country cannot progress. Guarantee, after coming to power, Delhi CM has given up to 200 units of free water to all the poor of the country. Announced to provide electricity. He said, "Out of the 10 guarantees, the first guarantee is that we will provide 24 hours electricity in the country. The country has the capacity to generate three lakh MW electricity but the utilization is only two lakh MW.Our country can produce more electricity than the demand. We have done this in Delhi and Punjab, we will do this in the country also because we have experience. We will give up to 200 units of free electricity to all the poor. This will involve Rs 1.25 lakh crore. There will be expenses, we can arrange it... The second guarantee is to provide free education.Presenting the figures, Kejriwal said, "The second guarantee is of education. About 18 crore students study in 10 lakh government schools who have no future. Today the condition of our government schools is not good. Our second guarantee is that we will arrange good and excellent free education for everyone, whether he is a child from a poor family or a rich family. He further said, "Government schools will provide better education than private schools. We have done this in Delhi and Punjab. This work should have been done at the time of independence itself.For this, Rs 5 lakh crore will be required. State governments will give Rs 2.5 lakh crore for this and the central government will give Rs 2.5 crore...Arvind Kejriwal's third guarantee is to provide better health services. Talking about the third guarantee, Kejriwal said, "...today our government The condition of the hospital is not good. Our third guarantee is that Mohalla clinics will be opened in every village. Every citizen of the country will get free treatment. “The district hospital will be converted into a multispecialty hospital.Every person born in this country will get free treatment. Will not be treated on insurance basis as it is a big scam. We will create infrastructure. Rs 5 lakh crore will be spent on health care.The state government will spend Rs 2.5 lakh crore and the central government will spend Rs 2.5 lakh crore,' Kejriwal said The fourth guarantee on Kejriwal's list is 'nation first'. He claimed that land occupied by China will be freed and said, "Our fourth guarantee is 'nation first'." China has occupied our land but our central government is denying it... Our army is very strong.'' The country whose land has been occupied by China will be liberated, for this where On one hand, efforts will be made at the diplomatic level, on the other hand, the Army will also be given full freedom to take whatever steps it wants to take in this regard. The CM also targeted the Agniveer scheme and said, "A scheme like Agniveer is harmful for the army." And the youth are also troubled by this. Agniveer Yojana will be withdrawn... Aam Aadmi Party has posted about other guarantees on its official X handle. These guarantees also include those soldiers for whom the Agniveer scheme will be discontinued and all military recruitments will be done as per the old procedure.The warriors recruited so far will be confirmed for the country's farmers, the party promised, adding that by determining the MSP of all crops as per the Swaminathan Commission, farmers will be given full prices for their crops. AAP also promised to give full statehood to Delhi. On state unemployment, AAP said that unemployment will be removed in a systematic manner and promised that two crore jobs will be created in the next one year. The ninth guarantee addresses corruption in which the party said that the existing system of sending honest people to jail and Protection to the corrupt will be abolished. The tenth and last guarantee is related to business in which the Aam Aadmi Party said that GST will be abolished. He said that GST will be taken out of PMLA (The Prevention of Money Laundering Act) and all laws and administrative systems will be simplified to promote trade and industry on a large scale.