Kolkata, Retail prices of vegetables, eggs and poultry meat remain high in Kolkata markets, causing suffering to the common man.

Tomato prices have soared to Rs 80-100 per kg from Rs 45-50 a month ago, while brinjal is selling at Rs 110-140 per kg, an increase of almost 150 percent since early June, according to the greengrocers in various markets in the city. saying.

Prices of several other vegetables such as bitter gourd, green chilli and bottle gourd have also increased by an average of 50 per cent. Prices of eggs and poultry meat have increased by 20 to 30 percent in local markets.

"Now tomatoes from Bengal come from other states. There is a shortage of tomatoes from Bengaluru and Himachal Pradesh due to heat waves and heavy rains. Production was affected by heat waves and disruptions in logistics due to heavy rains," he explains. said a source from the West Bengal Vendors Association.

Agriculture Minister Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay said people are facing price problems since the Center reduced support to farmers on fertilizer and transport subsidies, while weather conditions have also aggravated the situation.

"The West Bengal government continues to support our farmers who are facing rising input costs. On the other hand, the Center is reducing various subsidies. Therefore, both farmers and commoners are suffering," Chattopadhyay said, also Trinamool Congress leader.

He said the state government has a retail distribution network, 'Sufal Bangla', whose outlets sell vegetables and food items at reasonable prices.

"In Sufal Bangla, tomatoes are priced at Rs 65 per kg, against a minimum of Rs 80 per kg in the retail market. Bitter gourd is sold at Rs 72 per kg and brinjal at Rs 102 per kg, which They are 10 to 20 percent cheaper. "We are planning to increase the number of outlets from 484 now," Chattopadhyay said.

"Over the last three weeks, prices of vegetables, eggs and poultry have skyrocketed. Prices of tomatoes have doubled and prices of onions are also inching up. Inflation in essential items "It continues to cause us pain in one way or another," Manashi Sanyal, said a housewife.

Food inflation likely intensified in June from the 8.7 percent rate seen in April and May. According to Crisil's meal plate cost tracker, the cost of a home-cooked vegetarian meal rose 10 per cent year-on-year, hitting a six-month high, while the cost of non-vegetarian meals hit a seven-month high .

The RBI has consistently expressed concerns over rising food prices. Retail inflation based on the Consumer Price Index moderated to a one-year low of 4.75 percent in May.

However, food basket inflation was 8.69 percent, slightly below 8.70 percent in April.

However, fresh crops from southern states will soon hit the markets, which should bring down prices within days, officials at the Ministry of Consumer Affairs hope, adding that summer sowing of key vegetables is expanding with strength thanks to the good rains.