A study from the University of Queensland in Australia found that six months of high-intensity interval training could boost important brain functions such as hippocampus-based learning and memory for up to five years in older adults.

In the study, 151 participants aged 65–85 with no cognitive deficits were randomly assigned to one of three exercise interventions (low (LIT) – primarily focused on motor function, balance and stretching; moderate (MIT) and HIIT I went.

Each participant took part in 72 supervised exercise sessions for six months.

The results, published in Aging and Disease, showed that cognitive improvements from HIIT exercise alone were maintained for up to 5 years.

High-resolution MRI scans revealed that only the HIIT exercise group had structural and connectivity changes in the hippocampus.

Dr. Daniel Blackmore, a researcher at the University of Queensland Brain Institute, said they also "demonstrated blood biomarkers that changed correlated with improvements in cognition."

With 1 in 3 people aged 85 likely to develop dementia, he said the impact of the research was far-reaching.

Even though aging is one of the biggest risks for dementia, "by keeping people cognitively healthy longer with simple interventions like exercise, we can potentially save our community from the enormous personal, economic, and social costs associated with dementia." Can save," said Professor Perry Bartlett. from University.