According to the weather forecast by the India Meteorological Department, temperatures are likely to rise between 41 to 44 degrees Celsius in areas including Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, with some areas potentially exceeding this range.

The heat will be at its peak during voting, which has increased concerns about the impact on voting percentage.

The state weather bureau has issued a heatwave warning for Saurashtra, with warnings extended to Diu and Kutch, where the mercury is expected to rise further.

After May 3, I predicted temperatures would rise sharply by about two degrees Celsius, pushing the limits of seasonal heat records.

Residents and officials are advised to prepare for extreme conditions that pose health risks. Officials recommend staying hydrated, avoiding direct sunlight during peak hours and taking necessary precautions to ensure safety amid the scorching temperatures. This is necessary as Gujarat is scheduled to vote for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections on May 7.