Toronto, A new study sheds light on the critical role of patient education in the management of cardiovascular disease. Researchers examined the information needs of more than 1,600 heart patients from various regions, revealing important insights into the challenges faced by people facing heart-related problems.

Cardiovascular diseases continue to affect millions of people around the world. Patients who have experienced a cardiac event (such as a heart attack) often find themselves navigating a complex maze of symptoms, medications, and lifestyle adjustments. Understanding the critical role of patient education in this journey, our international team of researchers sought to identify the specific information needs of cardiac patients globally.

Our study used a validated scale, the Information Needs in Cardiac Rehabilitation (INCR-S), to assess the main information needs of cardiac patients. Administered in several countries spanning all six regions of the World Health Organization and covering different income classes, the scale provided a comprehensive view of patients' information needs.

Various needs of cardiac patients

Our findings showed that patients have a strong desire for information on a wide range of health topics. They want to understand cardiac events, adopt heart-healthy diets, manage medications, recognize symptoms, manage risk factors, and participate in cardiac rehabilitation programs. This highlights the need for comprehensive patient education to meet the diverse needs of cardiac patients.

Studies consistently show that cardiac rehabilitation education is associated with significant benefits. These include better patient understanding of their condition, improved medication adherence, management of risk factors, and reduced rates of hospital readmission and mortality.

By addressing these information needs comprehensively, patients can make more informed decisions about their health and improve their overall well-being.

Our study also highlighted significant variations across regions and income levels in information needs and knowledge adequacy (whether or not they perceive they already know enough about each topic).

While patients in higher-income countries tended to report greater adequacy of knowledge, those in lower-middle-income countries expressed a pressing need for more information, particularly on medication management, response to symptoms and benefits of exercise. These disparities underscore the importance of tailoring educational interventions to the specific contexts and needs of diverse populations.

The role of cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Crucially, the study highlighted the vital role of cardiac rehabilitation programs in addressing patients' information needs. These programs provide structured education and support, empowering patients to understand and effectively manage their conditions, leading to better health outcomes, such as better knowledge of diseases, adoption of heart-healthy behaviors, increased ability functional and a better quality of life.

However, our research also identified challenges to providing comprehensive education through these programs, highlighting the continued need to improve patient education. The availability of evidence-based resources, such as those provided by the Cardiac College, available free of charge and in multiple languages, plays a crucial role in closing the gap in patient education.

These resources ensure that patients have access to accurate information and support in their preferred language, allowing them to take control of their health and well-being.

As healthcare providers confront the challenges posed by cardiovascular disease, the findings of this study offer valuable information to inform educational strategies and interventions. Prioritizing patient education and addressing the diverse information needs of cardiac patients can significantly improve outcomes and improve the quality of care for people living with cardiovascular disease. (The conversation) NSA