New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked Sunita Kejriwal to file her reply to a petition against her for allegedly sharing on social media a recording of the trial court proceedings related to her husband and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. in the case of excise policy.

Sunita Kejriwal's lawyer argued that the petitioner was "sensationalizing" the issue and "dragging people when they have nothing to do" with it.

Her lead attorney urged the court to "remove" her from the list of parties in the petition, stating that she had simply "retweeted" the recording and that she was not the "author" of it.

A bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Manmohan observed that court proceedings cannot be recorded or shared on the internet and asked the lawyer to express her position in the form of a reply.

"Judicial proceedings cannot be published online. The problem is anonymity. We will have to deal with the matter. Present a response, whatever it may be," said the court, also composed of Justice Tushar Rao Gedela.

On June 15, a vacation bench of the high court had ordered that the audio/video of the prime minister addressing the trial court be removed from social media platforms.

The parties informed the court on Tuesday that the content had been removed from social media in accordance with the instruction.

Meta's lawyer said it was not possible for him to comply with the holiday bank's instructions to ensure the content was not re-uploaded.

The court asked the social media platform to file a proper application in this regard.

Advocate Vaibhav Singh had moved the high court alleging that when Arvind Kejriwal was produced before a trial court on March 28 after his arrest in the Delhi excise policy case, he decided to approach the court in person. The recording of the proceedings was posted on social media platforms, which is prohibited under the Delhi High Court Rules on Video Conferencing for Courts, 2021.

He alleged that Sunita Kejriwal and several others reposted the video.

"Various members of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), including members of several other opposition parties, have intentionally, deliberately and with deliberate intent to defame and manipulate the judicial proceedings, audio and video recording of the judicial proceedings and the have circulated on social media platforms," ​​the statement said.

In addition to the removal of the content, the petition sought that a thorough investigation be carried out to identify the people responsible for recording and sharing audio and video recordings of the court proceedings.

The matter will be heard on October 7.