Chandigarh, Haryana government on Sunday launched a new initiative to resolve public grievances and organize "redress camps" in each district and sub-division headquarters.

Chief Secretary TV S N Prasad said here that the state government has set up a "Solution Cell" in the Chief Secretary's office.

This “Cell” will organize “Samdhaan Shivirs” in each district and sub-divisional headquarters from 9 am to 11 am on every working day to resolve public grievances.

He said it has been observed that generally public complaints involve two phases – policy issues and obstacles in the implementation process.

Issues related to the policy part will be resolved at the State Headquarters level by this 'Cell' in coordination with Administrative Secretaries, while implementation bottlenecks will be resolved through the District Administration at 'Samdhaan Camps'.

"I will organize a meeting of the 'Cell' with the Administrative Secretaries to resolve the policy issues faced by the general public in the implementation of various public welfare schemes of the Government and take necessary action through the District Administration to remove the obstacles faced in the same. Will issue guidelines."Implementation of the plan," he said.

Prasad said that as part of the programme, Deputy Commissioners, Superintendents of Police, Deputy Commissioners of Police (Headquarters), Additional Deputy Commissioners, District Municipal Corporation Commissioners, Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) and other officers in independent sub-departments in the district will be involved. The Deputy Commissioner and SDO (Civil) sit together daily in the office and resolve public complaints.

Apart from this, the concerned Deputy Commissioner can involve any other officer as per requirement.

He emphasized that the administration will endeavor to resolve every public complaint presented in the Samadhan Camp as much as possible.People can lodge any complaint in the 'camps', including property ID, family identity card (Parivar ID scheme), land registration issue, social welfare pension, ration card and public distribution system and other complaints.

All Deputy Commissioners will submit daily reports related to the district including requests related to all sub-divisions to the concerned Divisional Commissioner, a copy of which will be sent to the 'Samadhan Cell' in the office of the Chief Secretary regarding the number of Samadhan Camps. Complaints received, disposal, number of complaints pending and reasons for such pending.