New Delhi, Enforcement Directorate on Friday said it seized property documents worth Rs 40 crore, bank lockers and over Rs 16 lakh cash after conducting searches against some Haryana officials and private persons in a case of money laundering related to alleged false input tax. credit claims.

The raids were carried out on July 9 at 14 locations in Haryana and neighboring Punjab.

The money laundering case arises from multiple FIRs lodged by the Haryana police in 2020, where it was alleged that the complainants proved fake input tax credit (ITC) and obtained refunds in connivance with Excise and Taxation Department officials. , which caused losses to the treasury worth millions of millions. of rupees, the agency said in a statement.

"The syndicate members incorporated bogus companies and sales in these bogus companies were claimed at a concessional tax rate against the 'C' forms, resulting in a claim for bogus input tax credit and ultimately in obtain fraudulent refunds with the help of officials of Excise and Excise Department.

"These fraudulent refunds were withdrawn in cash and used for the acquisition of movable and immovable property worth several crores," he said.

The raids were carried out at the commercial and residential premises of three retired state government officials - former excise and excise officer (ETO) Ashok Sukhija, former deputy commissioners of excise Narender Ranga and Gopi Chand Chaudhary, and members of the "syndicate" identified as Mahesh. Bansal, Padam Bansal, Amit Bansal, Monil Bansal, Rishi Gupta, Harish Biyani.

These private persons are alleged to have formed bogus companies to claim bogus inter-state sales of dutiable products without any movement of goods, according to the ED.

Digital devices, "incriminating" documents, including those of immovable properties worth over Rs 40 crore, bank lockers, DMAT accounts and unaccounted cash of Rs 16.38 lakh were seized during the raids, he said.

As per the rules, the Haryana government issues Form C against sale of goods outside the state and a trader or business entity can get refund by using it. It was alleged that the traders created fake sales invoices resulting in loss of money to the exchequer.