Gurugram, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh on Thursday distributed property certificates under the Chief Minister Urban Ownership Scheme to 5,000 people in Manesar.

Under this scheme, traders who have been living on rent for more than 20 years have been given ownership rights of their property at collector rates.

This step has been taken a few months before the assembly elections to be held in Haryana.

According to an official statement, Singh, while congratulating the beneficiaries at the state level registry distribution and urban Lal Dora property certificate distribution program held in Manesar today, said that people were suffering from this Lal Dora problem for a long time.

In urban areas many people had property but did not have ownership rights. He said, many disputes are going on in the court, which has created an atmosphere of fear among the people that they may lose their property.

If someone wanted to sell his property, he could not do so, nor could he get a loan against it. He said that the present state government has resolved this issue by allaying the fear of the public.

The Chief Minister said, "During the 2019 elections, we had promised in the election manifesto to give ownership rights to all such people and today 5,000 people have benefited. They have got the ownership rights."

He said that about two lakh citizens across the state have benefited from the properties located inside Lal Dora.

He said, "After today no one can remove them from your property. From today you become the owner of your properties. These are the properties for which the revenue authorities did not have record of rights." Corner