Washington [US], Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been admitted to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan for a series of tests, just two days after the New York Court of Appeals overturned his rape conviction, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Adalah confirmed his client's hospitalization, saying that Weinstein "needs a lot of help physically" and that he is undergoing various medical examinations, according to Frank Dwyer, a spokesman for the NYC Department of Corrections. While receiving custody, his prison counselor and DOC liaison Craig Rothfeld expressed gratitude for the care provided by the NYC DOC. Weinstein's legal troubles intensified after news broke Thursday that a New York appeals court had overturned his rape conviction in a 4-3 decision. Prejudicial decisions were cited in the decision. Trial, including the admission of testimony regarding charges not included in the initial case. The court ordered a new trial scheduled for May 1. In the ruling, Judge Jenni Rivera stressed the importance of maintaining the rights of the accused to convict Weinstein regardless of the nature of the crime or public pressure, Weinstein, who was previously convicted of criminal sexual assault and accused of rape, was sentenced to 23 years in prison in February 2020 based on the testimony of Miriam Haley and Jessica Mann. Despite his conviction in New York, Weinstein's legal battle is still ongoing. is also not over. In December 2022, he was convicted of rape in Los Angeles, ensuring that he will remain imprisoned even if a new trial begins in New York. According to The Hollywood Reporter, plans are underway to transfer him to a California prison to serve his sentence.