Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Sonu Bhatt said that after a survey in Raisina Hills, a seven-day notice was given to illegal farmhouses in the area.

He said that when no proper response was received, sabotage action was initiated, during which some people tried to stop the JCB machines by showing documents, but they could not present any concrete evidence in their favor.

Illegal construction taking place on Raisina Hill, seven farmhouses being built in a vast area of ​​22 acres in front of C-97, C-20, B-66, D-31, G 8-9 and fields being plowed with A 2-5 JCB machines. Was demolished.

Along with him, Municipal Council Executive Officer Suman Lata, Legal Assistant Sandeep Rathi, Municipal Council Engineer Narendra Taneja, Bhondsi Police Station Sub Inspector Sant Kumar, JE Digambar etc. were present along with the police force.

Bhatt said that the city council has issued more notices. He said that if proper response to the notice is not received then strict action will be taken against them.

“Under the Aravali Forest Conservation Act and the Punjab Revenue Land Conservation Act, illegal construction work is prohibited in Raisina Hills,” he said.