Kolkata, Union Minister Sanjay Seth on Wednesday inaugurated the second edition of the initiative taken by warship builder GRSE to encourage micro, small and medium enterprises and start-ups to develop solutions for ship design and construction.

He said that the GRSE Accelerated Innovation Nurturing Scheme (GAINS) is in line with the country's 'Atmanirbhar (Self-reliant) India' policy and emphasized that startups can significantly contribute to the nation building process.

The Minister of State for Defense said, "The world is looking at us as a young developing nation."

The initiative of Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) is in line with the 'Make in India' and 'Start-up India' policies.

Seth said India is effectively protecting its borders both on land and sea and acknowledged the role of GRSE in this endeavour.

PR Hari, Chairman and Managing Director, GRSE, shared his expectation for greater participation in this edition of GAINS and said that out of 51 applications in the previous edition, six innovators were selected for detailed evaluation during Phase II.

Hari said, “Two companies emerged as winners in the first edition: an MSME working on AI-based content code generation and management systems and a startup developing robots for exterior ship painting. GRSE helped them build practical models. Provided financial assistance for."

The development of one is expected to be completed by the end of the 2025 calendar year and the other by mid-2025, he said.