Ranchi, Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren on Wednesday said his government aims to make the state free from drug abuse.

He warned that drug smugglers and people involved in drug cultivation will not be spared.

"Students and youth are the future of the state and the country. Drug traffickers target them and lure them with drugs. This not only destroys their future but also the future of the state and the country. We should We have to resolve to do it.” Soren said, Jharkhand has become free from drug abuse.

The Chief Minister was speaking at the concluding ceremony of a week-long awareness campaign against drug abuse.

Soren said his government was taking action against those involved in drug trafficking and drug cultivation.

164 people were arrested for allegedly being involved in drug trafficking in Jharkhand and such material worth more than Rs 20 crore was seized in the first five months of 2024, an official said.

The CM expressed concern over the increasing spread of drug addiction, which he termed as harmful for a state like Jharkhand.

Soren urged the youth to inform the administration if drugs are being cultivated in any part of the state.

Awareness campaign against drug abuse started on 19 June. As part of this a series of events like marathon, cycling, quiz, painting competition and human chain were organized across the state.