New Delhi, The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities has signed an MoU with a Gujarat-based NGO to promote accessibility training programs in an effort to create more inclusive spaces for those suffering from disabilities.

The MoU between the department and NGO EnableMe Access Association (EMA) was signed on July 9.

A copy of the MoU, shared with , outlines two initial training programmes: “Advanced Accessibility Training” for integrated accessibility auditors and engineers of the Central Public Works Department.

These programs aim to educate participants about Indian accessibility standards, universal design perspectives and the National Building Code and Harmonized Spatial Guidelines and Standards (HGSS).

Training will be conducted in offline, online and hybrid formats, and will feature instructors with disabilities to offer first-hand knowledge and foster empathy.

To support these training initiatives, DEPwD and EMA will develop and maintain software tools for accessibility education.

These tools will play a pivotal role in building capacity among multiple stakeholders, seamlessly integrating with the Accessible India 2.0 Campaign and enhancing the functionality of the Sugamya Bharat app.

The EMA will also contribute its expertise to strengthen the Accessible India 2.0 Campaign. This support includes creating action plans to improve the accessibility of new and existing infrastructure, advising on application improvements to streamline data collection and complaint resolution, and conducting accessibility assessments on flagged establishments through from Sugamya Bharat app.

The effectiveness of the training programs will be evaluated through several metrics, such as participant satisfaction, increased knowledge and skills related to accessibility standards, and a reduction in unresolved accessibility complaints. Regular reviews will ensure continuous improvement and adaptability of training initiatives.

DEPwD will provide logistical support for the training programs, including accessible venues, internet connectivity and other necessary facilities.

The EMA will cover the costs of facilitating training and expert feedback, funded through corporate social responsibility initiatives, individual donations or collaborations.