Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) is the implementing agency for this tranche also. Request for Selection (RFS) will be released by SECI shortly.

The bid will be based on the minimum average incentive quoted by the bidder. The minimum bid under Bucket-I is 10,000 TPA while the maximum bid is 90,000 TPA. The minimum bid capacity in Bucket-II is 500 TPA and maximum capacity is 4000 TPA. A bidder can bid in any or both buckets. The ministry said the maximum capacity that can be allotted to a bidder in this tranche is 90,000 TPA.

The National Green Hydrogen Mission was launched on January 4, 2023 with an outlay of Rs 19,744 crore till FY 2029-30.

This will contribute to India's goal of becoming self-reliant through clean energy and will serve as an inspiration for the global clean energy transition.

This mission will significantly decarbonize the economy, reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports and enable India to assume technology and market leadership in green hydrogen.