The portal ( aims to provide timely information to planners, policy makers, researchers and the general public. The eSankhyiki Portal has two sections that facilitate access and reuse of data, the Ministry said.

The first section is a Data Catalog listing the National Accounts Statistics, the Consumer Price Index, the Industrial Production Index, the Annual Survey of Industries, the Periodic Labor Force Survey, and the Consumer Expenditure Survey of the Homes in one place.

The second covers macro indicators. The section includes time series data of key macro indicators with filtering and visualization functions. It also allows users to download custom datasets and visualizations and allows access to them via API, thereby increasing data reuse. Currently, this section includes National Accounts Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Industrial Production Index and Annual Survey of Industries, covering data for the last 10 years.

Statistics Day is celebrated in the country in recognition of the notable contributions made by (late) Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of statistics and economic planning.

The main objective of celebrating Statistics Day is to create public awareness, especially among the younger generations, about the role and importance of statistics in socio-economic planning and policy formulation for the development of the country.

The theme for Statistics Day 2024 is “Using Data for Decision Making.” The concept of data-driven decision making is important for making informed decisions in any field.

The chief guest on the occasion, Arvind Panagariya, Chairman, 16th Finance Commission, highlighted the role of Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis in the configuration of the Indian statistical system. He also urged India to continue its data-driven policymaking to advance its development trajectory.

Professor Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar, Chairperson, National Statistical Commission, highlighted the need to make data more accessible and usable. She also highlighted the need for interoperability and linkage of databases generated by various agencies through coordination among stakeholders.

Saurabh Garg, Secretary, MoSPI, while addressing the audience, highlighted the Ministry's recent initiatives to reduce the backlog of survey data such as Computer Aided Personal Interview (CAPI), new surveys, voter participation exercises. users and the recently launched eSankhyiki portal.

Luis Felipe López-Calva, Global Director of the World Bank Group's Poverty and Equity Global Practice, gave a presentation on the global experience of using data for decision-making. He emphasized that data is an essential infrastructure for formulating effective policies while sharing prevailing global practices.

Based on the updated Sustainable Development Goals – National Indicators Framework (SDG-NIF), MoSPI published three progress reports on SDGs with time series data. These reports can be accessed on the MoSPI website (