However, the study, based on the latest findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD 2021), published today in The Lancet journal, shows that people are likely to spend more years in poor health.

Researchers attributed this to the increasing shift from communicable maternal, neonatal and nutrition-related diseases (CMNNs) to non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes.

Global life expectancy is projected to increase to 78.1 years in 2050 (an increase of 4.5 years). Global Healthy Life Expectancy (HHEL) – how many years a person can expect to live in good health
67 years in 2050 (an increase of 2.6 years).

"In addition to increasing life expectancy overall, we found that inequality in life expectancy would reduce across all geographic regions," said Chris Murray, chair of Health Metrics Sciences and director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. IHME).

Murray said the greatest opportunity to rapidly reduce the global disease burden is through policy interventions aimed at reducing behavioral and metabolic risk factors.

“We have immense opportunities to influence the future of world health by getting ahead of these rising metabolic and dietary risk factors, particularly those related to behavioral and lifestyle factors such as high blood sugar, high body mass index and hypertension. " Murray said.