She could be set to play kingmaker for the next European Commission president if Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FDI) gets a big lead.

Outgoing Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is openly courting Meloni in the hope of winning the confirmation votes of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, a pan-European soft-Eurosceptic bloc now led by Meloni. and whose rank FDI candidates aim to join if elected to the European Parliament.

As the third most populous country in the European Union (EU), Italy can send a total of 76 representatives to the 720-seat European Parliament, giving anyone who wins big there a powerful position at the EU level. Can be placed in.

According to the "Poll of Polls" compiled by news website Politico, conservative FDI is in first place with 27 percent, six points ahead of the center-left Democratic Party.

Saturday marks the third of four EU elections, with different countries voting on different days.It's voting day for Latvia, Malta and Slovakia; The second and final day of voting for the Czech Republic, and the first day of voting for Italy and Estonia.

Slovakia's leftist nationalist Prime Minister Robert Fico came out fighting on Wednesday after surviving an assassination attempt on May 15 that shocked Europe. Fico was shot multiple times in an attack that appeared to be politically motivated.

The recovering prime minister published a video on Wednesday in which he said a Slovak opposition activist had "attempted to take his life," adding that there was no reason to believe the attack was the act of a "lone madman."

Fico's party SMER is leading in the polls with 23 percent, two points ahead of the liberal Progressive Slovakia party.The first preliminary results indicating the composition of the next European Parliament will come late Sunday, when every member of the 27-nation bloc votes. These will be updated during the early hours of