Berlin [Germany], Germany has arrested three people on suspicion of supplying sensitive technologies to China, while Britain has arrested two, Jazeera reports. Prosecutors in Berlin said the three German citizens had handed over technologies for possible military purposes to Chinese intelligence, with whom they had been working since at least June 2022. Meanwhile, the UK said the two arrested were "providing prejudicial information to Beijing." al Jazeera. The arrests come as Western states are expressing concern over China's economic and geopolitical policies.Following their arrest, the three will appear at the Federal Court in Karlsruhe, southwest Germany, on Tuesday, and could face fines. Up to five or 10 years in prison, according to local media reports Interior Minister Nancy Feser called the arrests "a major breakthrough for your espionage," adding, "We are tracking the significant threat from Chinese espionage in business, industry and science. " she said in a statement. “We are watching these risks and dangers very closely and have clearly warned and made people aware that protective measures can be increased everywhere. In addition, the arrests coincide with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's visit to China. Days later, he put pressure on Beijing to provide guarantees to Germany.The firms gained equal access to the market and also raised concerns in Europe about Beijing's economic policies and its support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.