According to Gartner, there has been significant growth in technology adoption for span management, e-billing, contract lifecycle management, legal case management and legal document management.

The report says that incorporating GenAI into these applications will accelerate its adoption.

Chris Audette, head of research in the Legal, Risk & Compliance Leaders practice, said the widespread availability of consumer tools like OpenAI's ChatGP and Google's Bard will rapidly increase the number of established Liga technology use cases.

According to the report, lawyers need to understand the limitations and risks of using GenAI as well as its potential.

It is necessary to check the output of GenAI. The report advised that completing the work without review is not an appropriate technique at this stage.

"As various business functions advance automation, legal leaders may face some tough questions from senior leadership if they have not evaluated the potential of the legal department," the audit said.

According to the report, new technologies could fundamentally change the way Liga organizations do business and GenAI has the potential to help.