WASHINGTON: Strongly condemning Iran's unprecedented attack against Israel, G-7 leaders on Sunday said the development risks escalating unchecked regional tensions, even as permanent members of the UN Security Council It has been announced to call an emergency meeting on the issues. in New York.

“With its actions, Iran has stepped towards destabilizing the region and risks provoking an uncontrolled regional escalation. This must be avoided. We will continue to work to stabilize the situation and avoid further escalation,” G-7 leaders said in a joint statement after a summit initiated by President Joe Biden.

The US assisted Israel in shooting down dozens of drones and missiles in its first direct military attack on Iran.Israeli officials said that 99 percent of the weapons that came in were shot down without any significant damage.

"In this spirit, we demand that Iran and its proxies cease their attacks, and we will take further action in response to further destabilizing initiatives," the statement said, a day after Iran attacked Israel on Saturday. Are ready to take measures."

“We, the leaders of the G7, condemn in the strongest terms Iran's direct and unprecedented attack against Israel. Iran fired hundreds of drones and missiles towards Israel. Israel repelled the attack with the help of its allies,” the leaders said after their virtual call.

The G-7 grouping, composed of the US, Italy, Japan, Germany, France, the UK and Canada, also expresses full solidarity and support for Israel and its people and reaffirms its commitment to its security.The G-7 leaders said, "We will also strengthen our cooperation to end the crisis in Gaza, including by working toward an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the release of hostages held by Hamas and providing increased humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in need." Is included." ,

Biden also spoke by phone with Jordan's King Abdullah II to discuss Iran's unprecedented attack against Israel.

The White House said Biden spoke this morning with members of the 494th and 335th Fighter Squadrons and praised their extraordinary airmanship and skill in defending Israel from Iran's unprecedented air attack.

At the UN headquarters in New York, Security Council members are scheduled to hold an emergency meeting on Sunday afternoon local time on the airstrike carried out by Iran against Israel.

Israel requested the meeting, which will be held under the agenda item "Situation in the Middle East".A brief briefing is expected from Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Israel requested a meeting with the President and Secretary-General of the Security Council. The letter described the attack as a "clear violation" of the UN Charter and international law, accused Iran of promoting regional instability, and called on the Council to "unequivocally condemn Iran for these grave violations and immediately defund the IRGC [Islamic... Called for action to designate "Revolutionary Guard". Corps] as a terrorist organization”.

Iran, in a separate letter addressed to the President and Secretary-General of the Security Council, said it launched the operation in exercise of the right of self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter.The letter, dated April 13, described the military action as retaliation for Israel's April 1 attack against an Iranian facility in Damascus, which killed several senior IRGC commanders.