Cannes [France], In a grand display of cinematic anticipation and excitement, George Miller's latest installment in the Mad Max saga, titled 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga', made its world premiere at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, Cannes Palace There were spectators present. As reported by Deadline [https://twitter] Des Festivals put on a display of extraordinary grandeur that brought them to their feet, as As soon as the credits started, they applauded for 7 minutes and 50 seconds. .com/DEADLINE/status/1790829010106130774?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1790829010106130774%7Ctwgr%5Eacfce62feb8d44caabbbe556bb48674 40c1da9fb%7Ctwcon %5Es1_& world-premiere-ovation-cannes-1235916996%2f The star-studded cast, including Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth and Too Burke, graced the premiere with their presence, with Baz Luhrmann, no stranger to Cannes himself, presenting the film Described as a "steampunk, Wagnerian opera," capturing the essence of Miller's unique vision. After the screening, George Miller expressed his gratitude to the audience by acknowledging the hard work that went into the film, saying "Thank you." We worked very hard on this movie and it's so interesting to see what you make of it,'' said the acclaimed director, according to Deadline 'Furiosa' explores the origins of its title character, from the Green Place of Many. Explores his journey. Mothers of the Treacherous Wasteland Anya Taylor-Joy, who plays Furiosa, talked about the challenges of embodying such a complex character, "By nature, given how demanding the shooting schedule was, I was often alone and (Furiosa This character is very, very inside her mind and she's very, very cool,” Taylor-Joy tells Deadline With its gripping story and breathtaking visuals, “Furiosa” promises to rekindle the Mad Max craze. Who enthralled the audience with 'Fury Road'.According to Deadline, George Miller's dedication to the franchise is evident, as he confessed at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, "because they're so addictive. As the global rollout of 'Furiosa' approaches, fans Can't wait for the opportunity to be immersed once again in the dystopian world of Mad Max.