Berhampur, the development board of the Marda Jagannath temple near Mathura in Odisha's Ganjam district, has sought financial assistance from the state government to perform daily rituals and maintenance of the more than 300-year-old temple, an official said.

The temple served as a safe hideout for the deities of the Jagannath temple, Puri, during 1733-1735 AD, when invaders sought to destroy the Kalingan-style temples, a temple priest said.

According to locals, the temple remained empty when the deities of Puri returned to their abode, Srikhetra-Puri, after the situation calmed down.

Since then there was no deity in the temple and the famous Ratha Yatra or any other festival of the deity was never celebrated in the temple.

But the ritual continued on three stone pedestals where the deities adorned themselves during their stay here and the place is known as 'sarana sikshetra', residents said.

Block Development Officer (BDO), Polasara, Kuresh Chandra Jani, who is also secretary of the Shri Marda Jagannath Temple Development Board, recently wrote a letter to the state endowment commissioner to raise funds of at least Rs 500 per day for smooth conduct of daily rituals in the temple.

"The temple has a glorious history. People from different places visit the temple to know its history and enjoy its scenic beauty. We requested the endowment commissioner to make provision of funds for its ritual and daily maintenance," the BDO said. .

Although there was no deity in the temple, it has a strong and historical connection with the deities of Jagannath temple, Puri, said Mahant Sundar Ram Das, president of Marda Development Board.

He said that the Shri Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA), Puri had provided financial assistance at the rate of Rs 100 per day for five years starting from 2008. Now the priests of the temple are performing the daily rituals, including a bhog cooked in the temple on his own, as according to tradition.

"The historical importance of the temple will be highlighted if the government declares the place as a tourist spot and provides financial assistance for daily rituals at the historic temple," Das said.

The government sanctioned Rs 1.98 crore for the renovation of the temple last year, sources said.