New Delhi [India], The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has directed all food business operators (FBOs) to remove any claim of so-called '100 per cent fruit juice' from labels and advertisements with immediate effect.

All food business operators have also been directed to phase out all existing pre-printed packaging materials before September 1, 2024.

In a statement, India's food safety regulator said it has come to its attention that several food operators are falsely marketing various types of reconstituted fruit juices by claiming them to be 100 per cent fruit juice.

After a thorough investigation, FSSAI has concluded that, as per the Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018, there is no provision for making '100 per cent' claim.

"Such claims are misleading, particularly in situations where the main ingredient of the fruit juice is water and the primary ingredient for which the claim is made is present only in limited concentrations, or when the fruit juice is mixed with water and fruit concentrate. or pulp,” read an official statement.

In the clarification issued regarding marketing and sale of reconstituted fruit juices as '100% fruit juice', FBOs are reminded that they have to comply with the fruit juice standards.

According to the regulation, the word “reconstituted” must be mentioned in front of the name of the juice reconstituted from concentrate. Additionally, if the added nutritive sweeteners exceed 15 g/kg, the product must be labeled as 'sweetened juice'.