HT Syndicatio Noida (Uttar Pradesh) [India], May 9: Gaja Milk, the flagship brand of Mousespring, is experiencing significant growth in both market share and financial performance. During the last year, the company witnessed an unprecedented 400 percent growth in operating revenue, reaching Rs 62 crore compared to Rs 15 crore in the previous year. This impressive growth symbolizes the growing popularity of Gaj Doodh products, especially in key regions like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi NCR and Gurgaon. Apart from the increase in revenues, Gaj Doodh boasts of a significant jump in profitability. Year-on-year, the company's profit grew by over 188% to Rs 2.70 crore, compared to Rs 0.93 crore last year. This strong financial performance underlines Gaj Milk's commitment to providing exceptional value to its customers.“We are incredibly excited to share our continued success story in the Indian market,” said Ankit Gajendra Singh, Founder, Moospring. “This remarkable growth is a direct reflection of the exceptional quality we provide and the unwavering dedication of our team. We are committed to providing our customers with the freshest and most nutritious dairy products. By continuously investing in quality and innovation, we are confident I will achieve even greater heights in the years to come.
About Moospring Moospring, a dairy company established in June 2019, is committed to providing fresh and nutritious milk products under its flagship brand, Gaj.They source their milk from a network of farms that follow sustainable practices, using organic methods to ensure healthy livestock. After milking, the milk is rigorously tested for quality before following strict protocols such as pasteurization to eliminate harmful bacteria. Lastly, Gaja Milk is packaged adhering to the highest food safety standards to maintain freshness and purity throughout its journey to your table. This ensures that you will receive a variety of cow milk products, including whole milk, low-fat milk and toned milk, that are tasty and safe to consume.Visit website:
and www.gajmilk.i [