LAHORE: A group of Lahore High Court lawyers on Wednesday observed the 117th birth anniversary of Bhagat Singh's comrade Sukhdev and asked the Pakistan government to grant "national hero" status to the great freedom fighter.

Lawyers associated with the Bhagat Singh Memorial Foundation gathered at the Lahore High Court (LHC) premises and a cake cutting program was organized in the lawn of the court to mark the birth anniversary of the freedom fighter.

On this occasion, a resolution was also passed demanding to name a row in Lahore after Sukhdev. I demanded that a chapter on him should be included in the school curriculum and a special postage stamp or coin should also be issued in his name.

Sukhdev was born on 15 May 1907 in Ludhiana, Punjab.

Speaking on the occasion, Foundation Chairman Imtiaz Rashid Qureshi said that they proudly celebrate the birth and death anniversaries of these heroes of independence and the Government of Pakistan should also acknowledge their sacrifice and declare them as "National Heroes" of the country. should do.

On March 23, 1931, the British rulers hanged Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukhdev at Shadman Chowk in Lahore after trying them on charges of conspiring against the regime. Singh was initially sentenced to life imprisonment but was later given death sentence in another "fabricated case".

Bhagat Singh is revered in the subcontinent not only by Sikhs and Hindus but also by Muslims.

The foundation has demanded Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to grant "national hero" status to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raj Guru. Bhagat Singh should also be honored with Pakistan's top gallantry award and Shadman Chowk Lahore should be named after him.