Paris [France], A Paris Holocaust memorial to French people was vandalized with painted red hands, according to The Jerusalem Post, pointing to a rise in anti-Semitic sentiment in the European nation. The monument was defaced with hands painted red on Monday night. , and the incident was reported by the Shoah Memorial on Tuesday. The Holocaust Memorial Foundation claims that hooded men vandalized the Wall of the Righteous and other nearby sites. According to the Shoah Memorial, police have received a complaint, and an investigation is underway.Meanwhile, on Instagram, activist group Nous Vivarns also posted a photo of a building in the Marais neighborhood covered in the same red hands, confirming an incident of vandalism. "We are outraged by this cowardly and despicable act, regardless of the perpetrators and the meaning of these red hands," the Jerusalem Post reported. Shoah Memorial director Jacques Fredaj said the act meets the growing need for historical and educational Displays. The institute “We are working against intolerance and ignorance in a state of confusion, which is an exploitation of the history of the Shoah and genocide,” Jerusalem Post quoted Fredaj as saying, “We deploy our work in education and teaching against barbarism. Will continue to do and expand.” Against anti-Semitism and all forms of intolerance,'' he said. After the incident, French President Emmanuel Macron wrote in a post on Wednesday It is an obstacle to enlightenment. Undermining the memory of these heroes as well as the victims of the Shoah."As always, the Republic will stand firm in the face of anti-Semitism," he said. and the invasion of Gaza by Israeli forces Meanwhile, the World Jewish Congress said the brutality was "shameful". “Our society needs to wake up and understand the meaning and intentions behind these actions,” WJC said."