In an interview with journalist Mehdi Hasan, Khan backtracked from his initial stance where he accused Bajwa of being part of a conspiracy with Bajwa and the opposition political party to plot regime change in Pakistan and ensure the implementation of a successful vote of no. America was criticized for this. Vote of Confidence (VONC) against them in Parliament on April 9, 2022.

Two years after his government was ousted from power, Khan now believes that Genera Bajwa is to blame for the entire episode.

"After 11 months in jail, I am convinced that this incident was completely orchestrated by General Bajwa. He carefully planned and executed this plan by presenting himself as a deceitful person, full of lies and falsehood. Fabricated stories, thereby creating national and international chaos – their extension to protect all,” the former prime minister said while replying to written questions sent to him in Jail B Hasan."I don't hold anyone else responsible," Khan said.

However, his comments did not go down well with many analysts and political leaders in the country.

Senior leader of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML), Talal Chaudhary, said, "Imran Khan is a liar. He launched a massive public campaign against the US, blaming Washington for removing his government and gave many reasons why "People wanted him out." -n)."He claimed that he was removed for not giving a base to the US military and for going to Russia. He also claimed that then US Under Secretary of Defense Donald Trump had served as Pakistani ambassador to the US and was not allowed to vote. Had warned of consequences. "And today, 'Einstein' says that America had nothing to do with his expulsion. After that his entire campaign was based on fake stories and lies.Experts also believe that Khan's latest statement is part of efforts by his political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to normalize relations with the West.

“It is well known that lobbying companies have been hired in the US to activate their contacts with the US government. And that is why Imran Khan is backtracking on his previous claim of US-led regime change. But the fact is that in 2022, Imran addressed more than 80 public meetings on the same narrative, said political analyst Rizwan Razi. This was the most popular anti-establishment, anti-government and anti-American narrative at that time.,

"Khan raised popular slogans like 'Absolutely not' and 'Are we slaves' while criticizing the US and the West for colluding with the military establishment and opposition parties to conspire against his government and remove his government. He accused the military establishment of 'The Beast' (Beast) Then, it was a popular political narrative because it was useful for political resistance, today, it wants American intervention for its own benefit, how clearly convenient!” Razi said.

Imran Khan is currently serving a prison sentence in Rawalpindi's Adiala Jail and I am fighting a long legal battle with a lot of cases against him.

Khan is one of Pakistan's most popular leaders, with support spread across the country and abroad, largely due to his narrative of regime change, anti-military stance and refusal to work closely with his political opponents, whom he He claims that he has gained power.In February this year, an illegal voting process was started by stealing the mandate of his party.

“This government lacks legitimacy,” Khan said. He said the world should not ignore the struggle for democracy and the "plight" of the people in Pakistan.