Sangeet Natak Akademi Award-winning director Anuradha Kapoor, who taught at NSD, Delhi for more than three decades and was its director for six years (2007-2013), emphasizes that this "exodus" started in the 70s. It happened when Naseeruddin Shah and Om went to Pur. "In a way, this does not show disrespect towards theater or cinema. A trained actor can easily adapt to different mediums over time," said the PhD in theater holder. From the University of Leeds, England.

Even though most digital platforms have started following an algorithm where crime thrillers rule, Kapoor sees a ray of hope in terms of stories and their treatment.“Directors are willing to experiment and many are giving ample space to trained actors to showcase their potential. And this is very exciting for those passing out from theater school. No wonder you see many of them performing phenomenally when different series are streamed,” she told IANS.

The theater director completely disagreed with those who feel that drama school pass-outs are leaving theater for films and OTT. “Many of them are working in both the mediums, and not just established but new pass-outs as well.This is a tradition that began in England, where theater-trained actors did not leave the stage entirely. A major emphasis during his tenure as director was to ensure that students from across the country, even That those whose mother tongue was not Hindi should take admission. “I am satisfied that when I was leading it, many students from the Northeast including Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Nagaland joined the school. What was important to me was that students from different languages ​​and cultures were coming together and introducing each other to their cultures and also learning from each other,” Kapoor smiled. Said, who has taught in many institutions in India and abroad. Fellow at the Freie Universität, Berlin, 2016-2017.Kapoor also implemented the expansion programme, which was initiated by former NS Director (late) B.V. It was the brainchild of Karanth. “He always wanted the school to go to students who could not reach NSD. I focused on the Northeast, which also started the second chapter of NSD.

While the NSD in Bengaluru took shape during the tenure of former director Kirti Jain, it was Kapoor who along with Tripura and Sikkim initiated it, not to mention the Theater in Education (TIE) initiative. Noting that there is an urgent need for more theater repertory in the country, linked to drama schools like NSD in Delhi and Sikkim, he said, “Even a year or two of work in repertory helps students a lot.,

Saying that governments need to come forward to establish repertory in different parts of the country, this former NSD director said: "We have an extremely rich tradition of diverse theater forms."

(Assam Mobile Theatre) Jatra in Maharashtra, Bengal or in Malayalam the company is called commercial theatre. It is important that they move forward and financial help for this is indispensable.'' Stating that the opportunity to do theatre, which is not necessarily commercially successful, is supported by the state in different countries, he elaborated that Germany A great example. He lamented, "Because of the state's support, some great people have worked in theater there.But sadly, in India, we are seeing successive governments withdrawing grants for arts and culture."

In fact, Kapoor has worked extensively with visual and visual artists and filmmakers including Arpita Singh, Bhupen Khakhar, Madhushree Dutta Nalini Malani, Neelima Shaikh and Vivaan Sundaram. He is one of the founding members of 'Vivadi', a working group of painters, musicians, writers and theater professionals.

Even though there is a lot of discussion about corporate sponsorship through CSR for theatre, it rarely reaches the people doing the serious work. “There are certainly some exceptions, but majorly corporate houses also want “value for their money”.However, they need to understand that their brand value will definitely increase if they engage in serious work,” said the director, who is currently visiting professor at the School of Culture and Creative Expressions, Ambedkar University Delhi. Currently writing There are many deadlines to meet, I have many projects including the role of prompter in theatre. Also a trustee of the Sher-Gil Sundaram Arts Foundation, she wants to make Ivy Lodge in Kasauli a vibrant space for performances, not just for those willing, but also make it serve as a residency.

“I want it to be a place to do a kind of learning program where young people come and spend two-three weeks. It could be theater or some liberal arts initiative.The aim is to make it a future-looking place,” he concluded.