Washington, DC [US], Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been disqualified for his role in Donald Trump's 2020 election interference efforts, a New York state appeals court ruled Tuesday, CNN reported. .

The long-awaited disbarment of Trump's top lawyer, which takes effect immediately, is a blow to the former public official at a time when he faces consequences for spreading lies about the 2020 election.

In addition to losing his law license, which will likely be recognized nationwide, Giuliani is bankrupt after incurring $150 million in debt for defaming two election workers and faces several other lawsuits against him, as well as criminal charges. , as CNN reported.

The court wrote: "The seriousness of (Giuliani's) misconduct cannot be understated. (Giuliani) flagrantly abused his prominent position as personal attorney for former President Trump and his campaign, through which (he) repeatedly and intentionally made false statements, some of which were perjured, to the federal court, state legislators, the public, the (Lawyer Grievance Committee), and this Court in connection with the 2020 presidential election, in which he baselessly attacked and undermined the integrity of this country's electoral process.

Giuliani not only deliberately violated some of the most fundamental principles of the legal profession, but he also actively contributed to the national struggle.

Giuliani, the court said, "not only deliberately violated some of the most fundamental principles of the legal profession, but also actively contributed to the national struggle that followed the 2020 presidential election, for which he has absolutely no regrets."

Giuliani was previously suspended from practicing law while the New York court considered attorney disciplinary proceedings against him, CNN reported.

In its ruling, the court cited Trump's former lawyer's efforts to overturn the election results in several 2020 swing states.

The former New York mayor criticized X, saying he was "not surprised" by the ruling and criticized what he said was a corrupt system.

A spokesman for Giuliani also condemned the disqualification, which went through several procedures before the court's final decision on Tuesday.

"Members of the legal community who respect the rule of law in this country must immediately come forward and speak out against this politically and ideologically corrupt decision. We will appeal this objectively flawed decision in the hope that the appeals process will restore the integrity of our justice system," spokesman Ted Goodman said in a statement, according to CNN.

Notably, Giuliani played a key role in several of Trump's plans to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

According to CNN, he was involved in alleged attempts to present fake electors to falsely certify Trump's victories in several states, including Arizona and Georgia, and, as the court noted on Tuesday, Giuliani "falsely and dishonestly claimed to the public that people were brought from Camden, New Jersey, to vote illegally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, during the 2020 presidential election.”

Additionally, in Georgia, Giuliani is charged with a RICO violation, as well as several additional felonies, including soliciting Georgia state legislators, making false statements to the Georgia House and Senate, and working to present false electors in the state.

He is one of several co-conspirators charged in that case, in which Trump is also charged, CNN reported.

Therefore, he faces charges related to election subversion efforts in Arizona and is an unindicted co-conspirator in Trump's federal election subversion case. However, Giuliani has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him.