The show stars Fahman as Aryaman and Debattama as Krishna. Their offscreen camaraderie is a hit on social media, recently a video of Fahmaan comically lip-syncing to Debattama's soulful rendition is going viral.

This moment sparked a new passion in Fahman, who has always had a deep love for music, which inspired him to take singing tips from Debattama while shooting for the show.

Talking about the same, Fahman shared: "Music has always been an integral part of my life. However, little did I know that my passion towards singing would find an unexpected mentor in my incredible co-star, Debattama .That viral video showcasing her melodious voice while lip-syncing rekindled my passion to hone my singing skills."

“From that moment on, the set of 'Krishna Mohini' became my personal music academy, with Debattama graciously acting as my guru. I am forever grateful to him for nurturing my love for singing, and for nurturing me. It means them providing their beautiful voices for me to lip-sync, otherwise I shouldn't be singing in public, especially among people who sing so well,'' Fahman said.

In the current track, Piya guides Krishna and Mohan (Ketaki Kulkarni) to college, and assures Aryaman that she will take care of Mohan. However, with Aryaman's attention focused on Krishna, Ananya feels neglected and tries unsuccessfully to provoke him.Meanwhile, Krishna insists on staying with Mohan. In the canteen, Sid and Vikas discuss keeping an eye on Mohan, piquing Krishna's curiosity. Later, in class, Mohan meets Anuradha, whom he had encountered earlier. As the class ends, Krishna and Mohan are shocked to learn about Anuradha's past.

'Krishna Mohini' airs on Colors.