The match took place on 21 May, during the 2022/23 season, after Vinícius identified a fan who used racial abuse towards the Brazilian, leading to an on-field brawl with Valencia players, in which the number seven received a red card.

“All three defendants have been declared guilty of crimes against the moral integrity of Vinicius Junior, aggravated by acting with racist motivations, and each of them has been sentenced to eight months in prison and banned from entering football stadiums. Ban has been imposed. football for a period of two years,” read the statement posted by Real Madrid on its official website.

"The three accused have accepted their criminal responsibility and have made public a letter of apology addressed to our player Vinicius Junior, Real Madrid CF and the rest of the people who felt humiliated and hurt by their behavior. In addition to expressing their regret, the statement In their letter, the three accused asked fans to eliminate all vestiges of racism and intolerance at competitions, it said.

Real Madrid lost the game against Valencia with a score of 1–0.

Vinicius Jr. has been the victim of racial abuse on several occasions since moving to Los Blancos. The Atletico Madrid faithful have used such abuse towards the 23-year-old player many times, but this decision sets a new precedent as it is the first time that such a decision has been taken.

“This is the first punishment for acts of this nature handed down by criminal courts and tribunals.

"Real Madrid, which has brought a private prosecution against Vinicius Junior in this process, will continue to work to defend the values ​​of our club and eliminate any racist behavior in the world of football and sport," the statement said. "