Kolkata, Renowned economist Sanjeev Sanyal on Tuesday stressed the need for flexibility and innovative thinking during career planning.

The member of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council was addressing the 21st medal award ceremony of Army Institute of Management Kolkata (AIMK graduates).

He said that adaptability is important in the ever-changing landscape of businesses in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Drawing from his extensive career experiences, Sanyal commented, “Flexibility is key.”

He highlighted the importance of exploring diverse career paths that remain open to emerging technologies and interests.

He moved into policy making after spending two decades in financial markets, establishing himself as an economist and urban theorist while also pursuing writing, he said.

He said, "Many of you will, over time, find a career that interests you... Things will change and your interests will change. Technology may take over the field in which you started."

The economist advised striking a balance between persistence and strategy flexibility, encouraging individuals to consider multiple career trajectories while focusing on long-term objectives.

In an example of out-of-the-box thinking, Sanyal cited India's unconventional approach to hosting the G20 summit. By holding the event in multiple locations, including remote areas, the country demonstrated a notable departure from traditional summit norms.

Meanwhile, AIMK launched a book on India's chairmanship of the G-20.