The initial observation, published in a series of 10 scientific papers, follows the first full-color images of the universe released by the Space Telescope in November 2023.

ESA, which will launch the telescope in July 2023, said the images will help scientists probe the mysteries of the universe and "use lensed galaxies to look for rogue planets, study mysterious matter, and trace the evolution of the universe." Shows Euclid's ability. ,

ESA's Euclid project scientist Valeria Petorino called it "an important milestone", and "impressively diverse in terms of observed objects and distances".

The new images target 17 celestial objects, ranging from nearby clouds of gas and dust to clusters of distant galaxies.

Taken in just 24 hours, the telescope captured more than 11 million objects in visible light and more than 5 million objects in infrared light.

"They give just a hint of what Euclid can do. We look forward to the next six years of data!" Valeria said.

The findings also demonstrate Euclid's ability to discover free-floating new-bore planets, extragalactic star clusters, low-mass dwarf galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters, the distribution of dark matter, and intra-cluster light in galaxy clusters.

It also shows distant bright galaxies dating back to the first billion years of the universe.