Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday backed Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla's statement that the file regarding the appointment of vice-chancellor of Palampur Agricultural University belongs to the state government and there has been a communication gap .

Sukhu also noted that the governor has expressed displeasure over some issues, including the absence of people holding constitutional positions at the official International Yoga Day function on June 21.

"The file regarding the appointment of Vice Chancellor (VC) of Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (Palampur Agricultural University), which was forwarded to the state government by Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla about three-four months ago, is in the hands of Secretary Law," the Prime Minister told reporters here.

Sukhu, who met the governor a day after Shukla went public with his criticism of state Agriculture Minister Chander Kumar for blaming the Raj Bhavan for the delay in the appointment of the VC, said the file is in the hands of the government and that there has been a communication gap.

The governor had said on Thursday, "I have forwarded the bill to the government with comments and it is still pending with the government and blaming Raj Bhavan for the delay in appointment is not correct."

The governor had maintained that the state government wants to have a say in the appointment of the VC.

A bill in this regard was passed in the assembly, seeking the government's opinion on the appointment of the VC, he said, adding that the government wants the governor to endorse the name sent by him for the appointment of the VC. The file was returned to the state government with his statements, he added.

Shukla had also expressed displeasure over the absence of Congress ministers in Shimla at the International Yoga Day function organized by the Ayush Department.

The governor further said that the law and order situation in the state is not bad but being a small state, even small incidents get attention and as such the government must ensure that the law is not broken.

"It was a courtesy visit and the governor expressed his displeasure over some issues, including the absence of people holding constitutional positions at the official function organized in Shimla on the occasion of International Yoga Day on June 21," the chief minister said.

"The mayor of Shimla Municipal Corporation was also absent from the government function on International Yoga Day and the governor is right that people holding constitutional positions should have attended the official function. There was some communication gap which was will save," he added. .

Sukhu said the governor wants regular VCs to be appointed in all universities to achieve a congenial academic environment. Discussions were also held on education and the issues raised by the Governor will be considered by the government, he said.

"I have assured the governor that these things will be resolved in the future," the prime minister said.

Referring to the firing incident in Bilaspur involving Congress leader and former Bilaspur MLA Bamber Thakur's son, Sukhu said they condemn the incident and 'wrong is wrong'.

These incidents will not be tolerated and the law will take its own course regardless of whether the accused belongs to which party, he added.