New Delhi [India]: In another blow to the Congress party, Tajinder Singh Bittu on Saturday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the presence of Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav and party general secretary Vinod Tawde Tajinder Singh at the party headquarters in Delhi. Bittu this morning resigned from the post of Himachal Pradesh in-charge secretary of AICC and the primary membership of the Congress party. This comes at a crucial time in the backdrop of Lok Sabha elections across the country. Bittu's exit is another blow to the Congress party, which has seen an exodus of top leaders in the last few weeks. Speaking after joining BJP, Tajinder Singh Bittu said that the Congress party has deviated from the issues and he has joined BJP for the betterment of Punjab."I have spent almost 35 years in the Congress party, and today I feel that the Congress party has deviated from the issues. I have joined the BJP for the betterment of Punjab." Ashwini Vaishnav welcomed Bittu and said that The work done under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is better than the work done during the Congress government in the last 60 years. PM Modi is presenting a new model of development in every field."Be it the railway sector, communications, highways or textiles, change is visible in every sector, people have started feeling confident to welcome Tajinder Singh Bittu ji into the party." Vinod Tawde hits out at Congress government in Karnataka over the murder of Neha Hiremath, daughter of Congress corporator Niranjan Hiremath, "Neha Hiremath's father, who is a Congress party corporator, alleged that it was a case of 'love jihad' but Congress The party says that this is a 'love affair'. Whatever may be the reason, a crime has been committed, but the state government is not taking appropriate action in this matter. Their slogan is meant to protect the vote bank rather than the women of the state. Crime has no religion or criminal, he said. Strict action should be taken in this matter,” the BJP general secretary said. Twenty-four-year-old daughter of a Congress councilor was stabbed to death in the college premises in Hubli. The victim, Neha Hiremath, daughter of Congress councilor Niranjan Hiremath, succumbed to multiple knife wounds inflicted by her former friend and classmate Faiyaz, who has since been arrested. However, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that the Hubli Campu murder was due to personal reasons.The CM said that the law and order situation in Karnataka is good and it is his duty to maintain it, "Whatever murder happened, it happened due to personal reasons. The law and order situation in Karnataka is very good, it is our duty to maintain the law." And orders and we are doing it,” the CM said.