Washington, Indian farmers' income can increase substantially by changing the cropping pattern from cereals to fruits, said Mayank Gandhi, an Indian social activist.

Gandhi is the founder of the non-governmental organization Global Vikas Trust, which aims to transform the drought-stricken villages of Marathwada, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, working to increase the minimum income of farmers from an average of Rs 10,000 to more than Rs 1 rupee. lakh per acre per year.

“India's Niti Aayog says there will be a 42 percent supply-demand gap by 2030. We realized that by changing the cropping pattern from grains to fruits, farmers' income can increase substantially. So, we are changing the cropping pattern, training farmers and helping them market it,” Gandhi said here.

On a three-city trip to New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, Gandhi along with industrialist Ravi Jhunjhunwala meet with Indian Americans to raise awareness about their project in India which he claims is helping farmers in the regions. poorest in the world. country multiplying its annual income.

Gandhi said his mission was to increase the income of farmers.

“Usually the type of unpaid crops that farmers grow, I thought if we could change that and help farmers increase their income. And we have been able to do it. The income has increased 10 times. The income of Rs 38,700 a year is now Rs 3,93,000,” he claimed.

“So, if we think that the farmers in the country and where 65 percent of the countries are farmers, if we increased their income 10 times, then the country's economy is going to prosper.

To improve the environment, in addition to increasing the income of farmers, "we planted 50 million trees. Once we plant trees, we will improve their income. I still say that the easiest, cheapest and fastest method to fight the crisis climate, the mass planting of trees,” he said.

As a result of his work, Gandhi said farmer suicide in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, where it previously exceeded 1,100 per year, has decreased substantially.

The group is now also working in Madhya Pradesh. “Right now we are working in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. We have made 27 clusters where we work... We do not have the bandwidth or the capacity to travel across the entire country,” he said.

“With this impact, everyone in the country wants us to go to their area. So now we have created a center of excellence, a world-class agricultural training centre, where farmers from different parts of the country would come, learn how we have done it and then replicate it in their area,” Gandhi said.