Nagpur: Police have arrested four people after recovering fake currency notes worth a total of Rs 25 lakh in Nagpur, an official said on Thursday.

Sitabuldi police made the arrest and seizure on Wednesday on the complaint of Rahul Vasudev Thakur (31).

Thakur told police that he saw an advertisement on Facebook on Monday night, which offered a "quick money" scheme. It directed him to a mobile number.

When Thakur dialed the number, the person on the other end said they would give him Rs 8 lakh instead of Rs 2 lakh under their scheme. The officer said he also claimed to have a machine to print currency notes.

Suspecting something wrong, Thakur alerted the police, who laid a trap and arrested Satish Dhyandev Gaikwad (29), Gautam Raju Bhalawi (21), Shubham Sahde Pradhan (27) and Monu alias Shabbir Balkat Shaikh (27). Arrested with fake notes. He told that the face value of 44 bundles is Rs 25 lakh.

Each bundle contained one genuine note on each side, the officer said, adding that the accused had duped several people using the same method.