New Delhi: The mortal remains of Colonel (retd) Vaibhav Anil Kale arrived in India on Friday, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said, days after the former Indian Army officer working with the United Nations in Gaza was killed in an attack. In the Rafah area.

Kale, 46, who takes premature retirement from the Indian Army in 2022, joined the United Nations two months ago as a security coordination officer in the United Nations Department of Defense and Security (DSS).

"Today the Indian Mission in Tel Aviv, in collaboration with the U.S. authorities, was able to coordinate the transportation of the mortal remains. The mortal remains of Colonel (Retd) Kale have arrived in India today, formalities will be completed by the family," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said in response to a question during his weekly briefing here.

The Ministry of External Affairs had earlier said that India's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York as well as its missions in Tel Aviv and Ramallah are providing all possible assistance in bringing back Kale's mortal remains to India.Jaiswal said the External Affairs Ministry has already expressed "our deepest condolences" on his demise.

"As far as investigation of the issue is concerned, you would have seen the statement issued by the Office of the UN Secretary-General that they have constituted a fact-finding panel. As far as we are concerned, we have also been in touch with the relevant authorities Has happened." As far as investigation is concerned,'' he said.

The External Affairs Ministry spokesperson was also asked how many Indians are there in Gaza, who are working with the United Nations.He said, "From reports we understand that there are about 70 UN personnel working in Gaza, how many of them are Indians, I am not quite sure, but I will get back to you once the information is clear on this."

The United Nations has also expressed grief over Kale's murder.

He died when the vehicle he was traveling in was attacked in the Rafah area of ​​the Gaza Strip on Monday.

Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, had earlier said that the UN had established a fact-finding panel to investigate the deadly attack.

The fact-finding mission is being set up by the security department.