National Dengue Day is celebrated every year on 16 May.

This year's theme is 'Dengue Prevention: Our Responsibility for a Safer Tomorrow'.

Dengue is a vector-borne disease spread by the bite of an infected mosquito and is endemic in more than 100 countries.

“The widespread presence of dengue fever in India can be primarily attributed to the climate of the region, which creates an ideal environment for Aedes mosquitoes, the primary vector of dengue virus transmission. These mosquitoes thrive in the hot humid conditions prevalent in many parts of India, especially during the monsoon season,” said Dr Rohit Kumar Garg, consultant, department of infectious diseases, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad.Urbanization and human population density also contribute rapidly. Spread of virus.

“The increasing burden of dengue in India reflects these conditions as well as the challenges faced by the public health infrastructure to control the spread and effectively manage the outbreak,” Dr Rohit said.

According to experts, the transmission of dengue is closely linked to three key factors: rainfall, humidity and temperature, which determine the geographical location of its outbreak and transmission rates.

Dr Divya Gopal, Internal Medicine, Sir HN Reliance Hospital N Research Centre, told IANS, “Unpredictable rains, coupled with large-scale construction and inadequate drainage systems, create stagnant water areas which are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes . ,

"Rising temperatures and unprecedented flooding have also fueled the spread of mosquitoes beyond their traditional breeding areas, bringing dengue fever to areas that were never before at risk from these debilitating diseases," he said.,

Despite the challenges, progress has been made in the development and implementation of strategies for vector control, particularly in India, which can be seen in the decline in case and fatality rates.

According to data from the Health Ministry's National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP), dengue caused 91 deaths and affected 94,198 people in India in 2023.
1,93,245 cases and 346 deaths in 2021.

However, cases declined in 2022 (23,3251) but deaths increased (303).

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has prequalified two dengue vaccines
Live-attenuated TAK-003 of Sanoft Pasteur and CYD-TDV of Sanoft Pasteur.“These vaccines offer hope in reducing the incidence of dengue, although their effectiveness depends on comprehensive strategies including vector control, public awareness and robust surveillance systems to effectively monitor and respond to outbreaks,” Dr Rohit. Told IANS."